Sydney - Novotech, the leading Asia Pacific biotech specialist CRO, has been recognized as a top 10 CRO in the 2021 CenterWatch Global Site Relationship Benchmark Survey. Report available here
CenterWatch, established in 1994, is a global benchmarking authority for the clinical trials sector.
The benchmarking report results reflect how more than 3,700 representatives from clinical trial sites around the world rate their clinical research organisation (CRO) relationships and their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The criteria for benchmarking CROs included:
- Professionalism
- Organizational processes
- Preparedness
- Communications
Site respondents were asked to rank the overall reputation of 29 CROs and rate the relative importance of performance-related attributes.
“Strong site, sponsor, and CRO relationships form the essential foundation on which efficient and effective clinical trials are built. We conduct the CenterWatch Global Site Relationship Benchmark Survey as a service to the industry, highlighting behaviors and approaches that are strengthening partnerships and revealing areas that merit improvement. As COVID-19 has put additional strain on relationships of all types, we also requested feedback on partners’ pandemic response in this latest survey,” said Cynthia Carter, President, Market Intelligence and Insights at WCG.
Novotech CEO Dr. John Moller, said we are very pleased to be benchmarked as a top 10 CRO among the world’s leading CROs. Sites are key to our client’s success so being ranked highly by sites for our professionalism, communications, and processes is a major achievement for our global team.
“Novotech serves biotechs globally and we pride ourselves on the depth of relationships that we have built with hundreds of Asia-Pacific sites over the last 25 years. In addition, Novotech has signed 45 Leading Site Partnership agreements over the last 3 years. As part of these agreements, Novotech works very closely with the leading sites in the region to promote their research strengths internationally, while enjoying preferential access to their clinical trial infrastructure.
“With more than 2,000 highly experienced professionals, our clients appreciate our strong site and KOL relationships, our deep regulatory expertise, and our ability to accelerate clinical trials across the Asia Pacific and in particular China.”
“Industry-leading technology is at the core of our business and ensures rapid and efficient processes, insightful analytics and reporting, and high quality data and compliance.”
Novotech recently announced a partnership and investment in tech firm Prospection to support accelerated clinical trials with healthcare data analytics using real-world data.
Novotech has also partnered with virtual research organisation ObvioHealth to expedite trials leveraging remote technologies. This patient-centric approach improves subject retention and allows sponsors to reach populations outside major cities for clinical trial participation.
Toyna Chin
關於 Novotech Novotech-CRO.com
Novotech成立於1997年,是一家可提供全方位服務的專業生物技術合同研究組織 (CRO),致力於加速各階段創新藥物和先進療法的開發。
Novotech因其在行業內的突出貢獻而備受讚譽,曾榮獲多項殊榮,其中包括Frost & Sullivan 2024年全球生物技術CRO獎 (Frost & Sullivan 2024 Global Biotech CRO Award)、2024年臨床試驗競技場業務拓展、營銷和創新卓越獎 (2024 Clinical Trials Arena Award for Excellence in Business Expansion, Marketing, and Innovation)、2024年優選僱主(2024 Employer of Choice)、2024年美國Great Place to Work(卓越職場)認證 (2024 Great Place to Work in the US)、2024年Brandon Hall專業能力和技能發展金獎 (2024 Brandon Hall Gold Award)、2023年CRO領導力獎(CRO Leadership Award 2023)、2023年亞太地區細胞與基因治療臨床試驗卓越獎 (Asia Pacific Cell & Gene Therapy Clinical Trials Excellence 2023) 和自2006年以來蟬聯亞太地區合同研究組織年度公司獎 (Asia-Pacific Contract Research Organization Company of the Year Award)。
如欲了解更多資訊或與專家團隊成員交談,請造訪 www.Novotech-CRO.com